摘要:In so ftware en gineering , a software pattern is a reus ab le solutio n to solve recu rring software designp ro blems. Traditionally, su itable p attern s are identified by software designers to satisfy a set ofrequirements. A part of approp riate patterns is then applied to a recurrin g s oftware d es ign p ro blem.Ho wever, the existing software pattern s part has to b e properly in teg rated to specific d esig n p ro blems.Therefore, the intro duction o f formalization is req uired to d escribe th is integration accurately. In th is p ap er,we prop ose a framework of UML class diagrams and software patterns integration prepared for formalsp ecification to solve d ifferent so ftware design er's experien ces. The integratio n rules in this formalfram ework is intend ed to co mplement ex isting tex tu al and graph ical d escription s
关键词:Software en gineerin g; Software Pattern Gen eration