期刊名称:International Journal of Computer Science, Engineering and Applications (IJCSEA)
出版社:Academy & Industry Research Collaboration Center (AIRCC)
摘要:Agricultural sector is playing vital role in Indian economy, in which irrigation mechanism is of keyconcern.Our paper aims to find the exact field condition and to control the wastage of water in the fieldand to provide exact controlling of field by using the drip irrigation, atomizing the agriculturalenvironment by using the components and building the necessary hardware. For the precisely monitoringand controlling of the agriculture filed, different types of sensors were used. To implement the proposedsystem ARM LPC2148Microcontrolleris used. The irrigation mechanism is monitored and controlledmore efficientlyby the proposed system,whichis a real time feedback control system.GSMtechnologyisused to inform theenduser about the exact field condition.Actually thismethodofirrigationsystemhasbeenproposed primarilytosave resources, yield of crops and farm profitability