摘要:Perspectives on Open and Distance Learning: Open Educational Resources: An Asian Perspective’ offers a look at the current utilization of open educational resources (OER) in higher education (HE) in Asia. This compilation of country perspectives and cases studies is co-published by the Commonwealth of Learning (COL) in Vancouver, Canada and OER Asia operated out of the Institute for Research and Innovation at the Wawasan Open University in Malaysia. It is the latest in a series of publications addressing OER from the COL, which is an intergovernmental organisation comprised of more than 50 countries whose mandate is to “encourage the development and sharing of open learning/distance education knowledge, resources and technologies” (www.col.org/about). While there are several different definitions of what exactly OER are, the common thread among all the proposed explanations is they are educational resources, from individual lesson plans to entire course modules, that are openly available and can be used by teachers and students for free. Further to this, OER users are actively encouraged to reuse, revise, remix and redistribute the resources, although in reality there are often barriers to accomplishing this goal.