期刊名称:International Journal of Social Sciences and Education
出版社:Federal College of Education
摘要:T his s tudy compared the achiev ement of students taught social studies with and without maps. It was an experimental r esear ch which was carried out on two sections of gr ade s ix of Federal Gover nment Secondary School number 21, G-9/1, Islamabad. T here were 26 s tudents in control and 28 in experimental group. Both the groups wer e equal in achiev ement at initial level. Experimental group was taught by one of the r esear chers with the help of maps and r elated activities and control group was taught by their class teacher the same content at the same time in the tr aditional way. Both the groups were tested soon after the exper iment and same test was repeated after the gap of two weeks. Thr oughout the experiment students behav ior was obser ved by the researcher. Analys is of data was carried out by applying t test. Analysis of data showed that the achievement level of the students of experimental group at knowledge, comprehension and application level of the cognitive domain was better than control group. The r esults of this s tudy showed that the us e of maps not only improved the achievement level of students but also improved the class participation, class attendance, behavior and home work abilities. It is r ecommended that teachers should use maps, globes and related material for better perfor mance of s tudents. T eachers should be tr ained to use maps and related material thr ough pre-serv ice and in-ser vice trainings
关键词:Soci al St udies; Maps; Glob es; Geog raph y; Teachi ng o f Geo grap hy