摘要:Engineering Drawing (ED) is a widely taught subject in the universities offering engineering degrees. The rise of the ratio between the ED course instructors and participants has driven a need towards automatic assessment of ED assignments. Our initial research discussed the technicalities of how automated marking can be achieved. As part of the whole assessment software, a comprehensive automated award system should be developed. This award system should imitate the methods of manual awarding implemented by actual ED tutors or lecturers. This should encompass checking a student’s work based on its correctness and creativity against the sample answer scheme provided. The mark has to be unbiased and inherent to the distribution of the overall marks. This paper will discuss case scenarios of ED in comparison to the answer scheme and how the awarding system should work in different scenarios. In order to develop these rules, we have created a simple module capable on reading simple circle or group of circle drawings. We will have several test cases of different drawings and conduct our study from these samples. The paper concludes with results of the experimentation and recommendations driven from the results.
关键词:engineering drawing; automatic; assessment; marking; marks