摘要:Ta'u, the easternmost inhabited island in the Samoan Islands archipelago, exhibits a series of down-faulted benches on its southern flank, believed to be the remnant of ~30 km3catastrophic collapse. A historical map of Ta'u charted in 1839 during the United States Exploring Expedition, which did not show the benches, suggests that the event occurred less than 170 years ago. A collapse event of this magnitude would have generated a locally devastating tsunami, with possible impacts experienced at the regional level. However,no written or oral records of such an eventexist.A number of key questions thus emerge, andformed the basis for this study. Did this event actually happen within the last 170 years, and if so, how and why could it have gone unnoticed. Or, is the event much older than the impression obtained from the literature. The catastrophic flank collapse was modeled using 100 m contour-resolution bathymetry data of the Ta'u region, coupled with rational assumptions made on the geometry of the failed mass. This enabled numerical landslide-tsunami simulation in the Cornell Multigrid Coupled Tsunami Model (COMCOT). The results indicate that if an event of this magnitude occurred in the last 170 years, it could not have gone unnoticed by local inhabitants. It thus seems likely that the initial survey conducted during theExploring Expeditionwas inaccurate. Nevertheless, the well-preserved nature of the benches indicates collapse relatively recently and raises the possibility offuture collapse.
关键词:Volcanic fl;ank collapse; Ta'u Island volcano; tsunami