摘要:The study was conducted in three blocks and six wards of Ludhiana district of Punjab. Seven villages and eightlocalities were randomly selected from selected blocks and wards. A sample of 200 women (100 rural and 100 urban) wasselected randomly according to the availability of workers in unorganized sector. The data were collected with the help ofinterview schedule. Work profile of the women workers was studied in terms of their type of job, work related characteristics,union membership and availability of facilities. Maximum number (seventy-eight per cent) of urban workers were migrantlabour whereas in the rural areas only twenty per cent was recorded. Highest number of rural and urban workers was involvedin the domestic work. On the other hand, in rural areas very few numbers of women were involved in construction work andagriculture in urban areas. Majority of them received their own wages at workplace and they were working for maximum days,that is, more than 26 days in a month. None of the respondents was the member of any union. Health check-ups and crèchefacility for their children were not provided to them at the workplace. None of them were issued any job cards from theiremployer/contractor. So there is a need to create awareness among women workers regarding importance and benefits of jobcards during any mishappening
关键词:Facilities at Workplace. Nature of Work. Reasons of Joining the Job. Rural and Urban Women Workforce.;Union Membership Status