摘要:The present study assessed and compared the adjustment level of adolescents from foster home and biologicalnuclear families. SOS Children's Village was the purposively selected foster home. The sample for the present study comprisedof in total 90 respondents: forty five (45) 14-18 year old adolescents from SOS Bhimtal and an equivalent number of adolescentsfrom biological nuclear families of Bhimtal, itself. Adjustment level of the respondents was assessed using a standardizedadjustment inventory. In the present study, it was seen that girls from both the family settings exhibited higher level of adjustmentin all the domains than boys. Besides this, majority of the respondents from both the family settings were found to be averageor above in all the domains of adjustment. However, at the same point, approximately 25% of the study population was seen tobe having unsatisfactory adjustment level, as well. It was also seen that except on the educational adjustment component,respondents from biological nuclear families were significantly more socially, emotionally and compositely adjusted than theircounterparts
关键词:Emotional Adjustment. SOS Village. Destitute/Orphan. Foster Relationship. Gender Differences