出版社:Forestry Commission of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
摘要:Black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) is one of the most important forest tree species in Hungary, covering approximately 23% of the forested land and providing 25% of the annual timber output of the country. One third of these black locust stands are high forests (planted with seedlings) and the remainder coppices. According to the forestry regulations black locust stands can be regenerated both by root suckers and with seedlings in Hungary. This study investigates the influence of different regeneration methods on wood production, stem quality and health. Properly managed regeneration from root suckers produced a higher yield than regeneration from seedlings at a harvest age of 35–37 years. The results show that regeneration of black locust stands from root suckers can be recommended on good and medium quality sites without a decrease in yield or stem quality
关键词:Robinia pseudoacacia L. ; regeneration methods ; yield ; health condition