摘要:To develop
the low-carbon society, in addition to the efforts by industrial and commercial
sectors, promotion of people’s pro-environmental behaviors (PEBs) has become one of the key issues. Some
PEBs have been investigated in previous studies, however, the targets were limited to particular behaviors (i.e., recycling, water saving,
electricity saving). The
holistic view of
understanding the characteristics of PEBs has remained insufficient. In this study,
we selected 58 daily PEBs from various fields and investigated people’s practice rates and attitudes in Seoul and Tokyo. The questionnaire surveys were
conducted and 2393 (Seoul) and 2220 (Tokyo) valid responses were analyzed. Most
PEBs had significantly different practice rates between Seoul and Tokyo. It can be concluded
that the surrounding conditions, such as policy and
infrastructure, have some influences on these differences. The positions of the reasons to practice or not to
practice PEBs were visualized using multiple correspondence analyses. The results indicated that the
monetary reason was the common factor for many PEBs, while some PEBs showed
different reasons. The socio-demographic effects were not significantly different between
the two regions. Commonly, women and older people showed more activities on
关键词:Pro-Environmental Behaviors; Practice Rate; Multiple Correspondence Analysis; Reason for Behavior