标题:İlköğretim 3.Sınıflarda Türkçe Dersi Öğretiminde Karşılaşılan Sorunların Öğretmen Görüşlerine Göre Belirlenmesi Ss
其他标题:enmesi Ss, 30-41 Determining The Problems That are Faced During Teaching Turkish Course Curriculum at Third Classes of Primary School by Teachers Point of View
摘要:Bu ara.t.rmada, ilk..retim okullar.nda uygulanan 3. s.n.f T¨¹rk.e Dersi ..retiminde kar..la..lan sorunlar.n ..retmen g.r¨¹.lerine g.re belirlenmesi ama.lanm..t.r. Ara.t.rma verileri, 3.s.n.f..retmenleriyleg.r¨¹.me metodu ile elde edilmi.tir. G.r¨¹.me s.ras.nda kaydedilen g.r¨¹.lerayr.nt.l. bir bi.imde incelenerek de.erlendirilmi. ve belirtilme s.kl.klar.na g.re s.ralanm..t.r. Elde edilen bulgulara g.re, ..retmenlerin, T¨¹rk.e Dersi ..retim Program.n.n uygulanmas.ndas.n.f mevcutlar.n.n kalabal.k olmas. ve buna ba.l. olarak her ..renciye yeterince zaman ayr.lamamas., bilgisayar ve internet a.. ba.ta olmak ¨¹zere ara.-gere. eksikli.i gibi baz. sorunlarla kar..la.t.klar. ortaya ..km..t.r. Elde edilen sonu.lar .....nda T¨¹rk.e Dersi ..retim Program.n.n uygulanmas. ile ilgili baz. .neriler geli.tirilmi.tir
其他摘要:In this research it is aimed to determine the problemsthat faced on applying 3rd classes Turkish Course Curriculum at primary schools bythe point of view of teachers. The research datas has been realized by interview method with the teachers of third classes. The answers which are noted down during the interviews has been evaluated by analysing them detailed and listed in order by their frequency of bring out. According to the findings teachers face some problems about applying of Turkish Course Curriculum, like overcrowded classes and according to this not to be able to spare enough time to each student, lack of instruments and materials headed by not to have computers and internet connection. In the light of the findings some suggestions developed about applying Turkish Course Curriculum
关键词:rk.e Dersi ;..retim Program.; Yap.land.rmac.l.k; Yeni ;.lk..retim Program.; G.r¨¹.me Metodu
其他关键词:Turkish Course Curricul;um; Constructivism; New;Primary School ;Curriculum; Interview Method.