摘要:Adalet kavram.n.n bilimsel ve evrensel anlamda a..klanmas. ve .rg¨¹tlerde nas.l alg.land..., g¨¹n¨¹m¨¹zdeki kurumlar i.in .nem arz etmektedir. .zellikle e.itim kurumlar. i.in .rg¨¹tsel adaletin da..t.m., verimlilik ve kalite y.n¨¹nden gereklidir. Her .rg¨¹t, .al..anlar.n.n performans.n., i. doyumunu, g¨¹d¨¹lenme d¨¹zeyini ve .rg¨¹tsel ba.l.l...n. art.rmak zorundad.r..rg¨¹tsel adaletin boyutsal analizinin, .rg¨¹t¨¹n tan.nma ve etkili olma .zelli.ine olumlu y.nde ivme kazand.raca.. d¨¹.¨¹n¨¹lmektedir.Bu makalede .rg¨¹tsel adalet kavram. ile bu kavrama dair baz. g.r¨¹.ler a..klanarak, .rg¨¹tsel adaletin boyutlar. incelenmi.tir. Bireylerin .rg¨¹tsel adaleti etkileyen farkl. adalet alg.lar. ba.l.klar halinde a..klanmaya .al...lm..t.r. Bu ba.lamda .rg¨¹tsel adaletin g¨¹d¨¹lemeyle ve .rg¨¹tsel ba.l.l.kla ili.kisi ortaya konmu.tur..rg¨¹tsel adalet kavram.n.n kurumlarda .al..anlar.n i. verimini, motivasyonunu, performans.n., i.inden ald... doyumu ve ba.ar.s.n. do.rudan ve dolayl. olarak nas.l etkiledi.i ¨¹zerinde durularak e.itim kurumlar.na y.nelik ...k tutulmu.tur
其他摘要:Today, the concept of justice, its scientific and universal meanings and how it is perceivedin organisations, is important for organizationsthe deliveranceof organisational justice is nessary for educational organisations in ways of efficiency and guality. Eoury organisation hasto upgrade the performances, jop satisfactions, levels of motivation and organizationalfaithfulness of tehir employees. .t is thought that the dimensional analysis of organizationaljustice will pasitively affect the organizations' dentification and effectiveness qualities..n this study the concept of organisational justice and some views about it are described and dimensions of organisational justice are analysed. Different justice perceptions of individuals affecting arganisational justice are described in general. .n this context, the relation of organisational justice with motivation and organisational faithfulness. Some viewsare given by for educationalorganizationsfocusingon how the concept of organizationaljustice affects job efficiencies, motivations, performances, job satisfactions, and successes of employees directly and indirectly