摘要:The National Rural Healt h Mission (NRHM) was launched in 2005 with a visio n to provide u niversal access t o equitable, affo rdable and quality health care. In order to ensure that these out co mes are achieved and qualit y and acco untable health services which are respo nsive and are taking care of the needs of the poo r and vulnerable sections of the so ciet y. There are flexible mechanisms built into the mission so that local needs and priorit ies can be identified and addressed and lo cal in itiatives promoted. Co mmunit y based monit oring involves drawing in, activating, mo tivating, capacity building and allowing t he co mmunit y and it s representatives to directly g ive feed back about the functioning of public healt h services, includ ing giving inputs fo r improved planning of the same. In this monitoring pro cess thrust is mainly on 'fact -find ing' and 'learning lessons fo r improvement' rather t han 'fault finding '. It is a three-way partnership between healt hcare providers and managers; t he co mmunit y and Panchayat i Raj Inst itutions. To co nclude, CBM of health services is a key st rat egy of NRHM to ensure that the services reach to those for who m they are meant.
关键词:communit y; National Rural Healt h ;Mission; co mmunit y mobilizatio n; public health; ;community based monito ring