出版社:International Association for Computer Information Systems
摘要:All Computer Information Systems programs require a database course for their majors. This paper describes an approach to such a course in which real world examples, both design projects and actual database application projects are incorporated throughout the semester. Working on real projects for real users gives the students valuable experience. Database consulting scenarios are also discussed, showing both good and bad examples of real issues a real consultant encountered. Students are expected to apply the traditional database concepts to actual databasestorage problems. The design of the database is emphasized and a number of "tricks" are offered to aid the student in this process. User interaction is required in connection with the student's actual individual database project. The details of a database written by the Author to organize all information surrounding the student's project arepresented. Course content isdiscussed and recommendations are made
关键词:D;atabase first course; ;Real world ;projects; D;atabase project;and;IS ;education