摘要:Based on the 2001 Canadian census, we characterized and explained the 1996-2001 inter-metropolitan migrations of different generations. In the descriptive analysis, we found that being consistent with the expected effects of acculturation, the overall out- and in-migration rates increased monotonically from the 1st to the 3rd+ generation, whereas in Toronto and Vancouver where the attractiveness of well-established co-ethnic communities tended to weaken with increasing generation, the in-migration rate actually decreased monotonically from the 1st to the 3rd+ generation. In the multivariate analysis, we found that the migration behaviours of all generations were in general subject to the expected effects of labor market factors, attraction by co-ethnic communities, and accessibility to the rest of the system; and that with respect to the effects on out-migration propensity, increase in generation had the effects of weakening educational selectivity and strengthening age selectivity.
关键词:inter-metropolitan migration; immigrant; second generation; Canada