出版社:Institute on Global Drug Policy & the International Scientific and Medical Forum on Drug Abuse
摘要:Since the passage of Amendment 20 in November 2000, over two percent of Colorado's population has registered with the state to possess and use marijuana for medical purposes. Entry to the registry requires the recommendation of a physician for any of eight conditions, but 94 percent of users are registered for severe pain. The average age of registrants is 40 years old, and 69 percent of registrants are male. The registry requires the recommendation of a physician, and while more than 1,200 of the state's physicians have signed a medical marijuana registry form, 49 percent of all users were registered by one of just fifteen physicians. To service this demand, Colorado is now home to more than a third of America's marijuana dispensaries. Colorado's embrace of medical marijuana is due to high preexisting use of marijuana, minimal barriers to amending the state's constitution, difficulties regulating the medical marijuana industry, and entrepreneurial physicians. The social effects of the medicalization of marijuana remain impressionistic, but preliminary data are concerning.
关键词:Since the passage of Amendment 20 in November 2000; over two percent of Colorado's;population has registered with the state to possess and use marijuana for medical;purposes. Entry to the registry requires the recommendation of a physician for any of;eight conditions; but 94 percent of users are registered for severe pain. The average age;of registrants is 40 years old; and 69 percent of registrants are male. The registry requires;the recommendation of a physician; and while more than 1;200 of the state's physicians;have signed a medical marijuana registry form; 49 percent of all users were registered by;one of just fifteen physicians. To service this demand; Colorado is now home to more;than a third of America's marijuana dispensaries. Colorado's embrace of medical;marijuana is due to high preexisting use of marijuana; minimal barriers to amending the;state's constitution; difficulties regulating the medical marijuana industry; and;entrepreneurial physicians. The social effects of the medicalization of marijuana remain;impressionistic; but preliminary data are concerning.