期刊名称:International Journal of Education and Development using Information and Communication Technology
出版社:University of the West Indies
摘要:Information and communications technology (ICT) has become a very important feature in the Nigerian agricultural sector in contemporary times. Even though it is still a new concept, an increasing number of professionals are appreciating its use for development work . Female researchers and extensionists are important stakeholders in the development of agriculture in Nigeria. They are important because they are required to provide support to the female farmers who ordinarily would be more comfortable with female researchers. It is therefore pertinent that female researchers and extensionists be abreas t with modern information and communication technologies so as to discharge their duties more effectively. This study examines awareness, access and utilizationof IC T among female researchersand female extensionis ts. Data was obtained from 106 female researchersand 27 female extensionistsin SouthEas tern Nigeria, with the aid of a questionnaire. Information collected showed that female researchersand female extensionistsare aware of ICT; both categories of res pondents know how to access Internet on their own. Respondents do not have adequate access to IT. Also, 55.7 and 70.4 per centof female researchersandfemale extensionistsrespectively used ICT for between 3 to 5 times a week. The types of ICT needed by female researchers and female ex tensionistsinclude; World Wide Web, Electronic Mail, Electronic Spreadsheet, Word Processing, CD-ROM, Use of Projector, Use of computer, Web Design, Chatr