Biomechanics: ankle sprain, braces, knee stiffness, knee rotation stability, discus instrumentation. Sports Nutrition: supplementation, IOC Diploma, fluid loss replacement, pre-match meals, post-game glycogen repletion. Body Composition: obesity, C-reactive protein, somatotype. Sports Training: biological indices, psychological state, dance proprioception conditioning, balance training. Motor Control: wavelet analysis, frontal lobe, parietal lobe, functional MRI, augmented feedback, feed-forward control, coincident timing performance, peripheral awareness, electroencephalograms. Practice, Instruction, Expert Performance: deliberate play, talent identification, implicit learning model, error-less learning, acquisition of skills. Talent Development: giftedness, sexual abuse, elite child athlete. Sport Culture: sports perfectionism. Health Promotion: ecological model, accumulated physical activity, social mobilization, sarcopenia, serum myostatin, hormonal intervention. Sports Medicine: tendinopathies in athletes, East and West, herbal medicines, acupuncture, Tai Chi, Fu’s subcutaneous needling, sudden cardiac death syndrome, cardiac pre-participation screening, arrhythmia. Injury Prevention: hamstrings strain, Nordic hamstring stretching, non-contact anterior cruciate ligament injury, meniscal tear, post operative rehabilitation programs, balance and wobble board, ankle sprain, FIFA-11. Football Symposium: non-contact injuries, moral taxonomy, performance characteristics, high intensity training. Pre-Olympic Conference 2012: in Glasgow. KEYWORDS: elite athletes, injury prevention, talent, training, culture.