期刊名称:South-Eastern Europe Journal of Economics (SEEJE)
出版社:Association of Economic Universities of South and Eastern Europe and the Black Sea Region
摘要:The Balkan market has been proving to be, for some years, one of the most dy-namic and active ones - thanks to the reforms implemented by local governments, aimed at opening up to foreign companies in order to acquire the technology and know-how needed to comply with Western development standards, in view of a future entry into the EU. In particular, among the countries in this area, Montenegro is now playing an important role, due to the high degree of attractiveness achieved by improving the business climate, which is increasingly directing Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) towards this country.Following a brief analysis of the main forms of Foreign Direct Investment, the pre-sent work is aimed at examining what fields have experienced an improvement in the business climate in Montenegro and how this has influenced the develop-ment strategies of foreign companies (particularly Italian ones), thus yielding an economic benefit to corporate investors as well as to the country itself. To this end, an analysis was carried out using the data collected from interviews with the managers of the companies located in Montenegro, based on ten indica-tors: Starting a Business, Dealing with Construction Permits, Employing Workers, Registering Property, Getting Credit, Protecting Investors, Paying Taxes, Trading Across Borders, Enforcing Contracts, Closing a Business. The final results were then compared with those obtained, on average, in the Balkans
关键词:Growth; Business Climate; Entrepreneurship; Strategies; Montenegro; var currentpos;timer; function initialize() { timer=setInterval("scrollwindow()";10);} function sc(){clearInterval(timer); }function scrollwindow() { currentpos=document.body.scrollTop; window.scroll(0;++currentpos); if (currentpos != document.body.scrollTop) sc();} document.onmousedown=scdocument.ondblclick=initialize28 ;F. SCA LERA; E. URUCI; South-Eastern Europe Journal of Economics 1 (2011) 27-46;1. Introduction;The increasing globalization of the world economy has made the business decision-mak-;ing process much more complex than before; because of the number of variables coming ;into play which the top management of a company must carefully weigh up to avoid ;unfortunate business choices. ;The growing need for internationalization; involving the search for strategies (direct ;or indirect export; partnerships with local investors; or foreign direct investments) allow-;ing competitive advantages; leads entrepreneurs wishing to choose the most attractive ;market; to analyze such factors as: the extent of the market itself; the economic and politi-;cal stability of the country; the existing skills and know-how in the area; the existence of ;skilled human resources; labour costs; the quality of transport and logistic infrastructures; ;contained energy costs; a favourable tax and regulatory framework.;The Montenegrin market seems to be the most interesting one in the Balkan area; be-;cause of the numerous reforms implemented; aimed at improving the business climate; in ;order to attract those foreign investors who; thanks to their technologies and know-how; ;are able to accelerate the process of harmonization of the country with Western standards; ;in view of a forthcoming entry into the EU.;Thus; the process of liberalization of the country; starting with the privatization of ;large local companies such as Niksic steelworks; Telekom Montenegro; Podgoricka ;Bank; Montenegrin Railways; Montenegro Airlines; represents just the beginning of an ;ambitious project that; following the Government intention; aims at making the country ;play the role of the new "Balkan Switzerland".;Therefore; starting from an analysis of the reforms implemented and of the main in-;dicators dealt with; the present work aims at assessing; first; whether those reforms have ;brought about a real benefit in the business climate of the country; secondly; at evaluating ;their economic; social and strategic impact on businesses and finally; at examining the ;impact that such reforms have had on the Italian presence in the country as well as how ;the latter has strategically changed from a sectoral perspective. ;In order to carry out the present study; the starting point for the methodology adopted ;was the survey carried out by the World Bank and elaborated in the annual report drawn ;up by the Doing Business team in collaboration with experts from academia and involv-;ing 183 countries. ;The report has been drawn up by interviewing more than 8;000 local experts (lawyers; ;accountants; business consultants; government officials; shippers) who answered ques-;tions about legal and tax issues; either in writing or in interviews (analysing the legal ;status of the businesses; their size; their market position and the nature of the operations ;carried out); the final results; properly revised; have the advantage of being compared; ;over time; between the countries as well.