摘要:Information and communications technologies hold a prominent place inthe cultural imagination of many people living outside the Australian metropolis,especially recent ¨¦migr¨¦s. A vision of a wired pastoral conjures up the possibilities ofcity work, connections and pleasures accompanying the flight to the country. Suchaspirations have given a twist to one of the great topos of Australian post-invasioncommunications history, communications ameliorating the perceived isolation in thebush. This article examines important changes to rural telecommunications in the1990s coinciding with post-metro dreaming and digital convergence, namely the riseof local telecommunications. Neo-Foucauldian accounts of citizenship hold somepromise for explaining the criss-cross of tangled lines of flight in regionalcommunications in the twenty-first century: emergent subjectivities, utopian digitalmodes of becoming, new politics of infrastructure, reconfigured relationships amongstate, market and citizen.
关键词:telecommunications; rural; citizenship; competition; new media;convergence