摘要:I am delighted and honored to have this opportunity to reflect on cooperative learning, 20 years after publishing an article on this topic in the inaugural issue of JSE (Garfield 1993). As I re- read the article, I realized that I agree with most of what I originally wrote regarding the use of small groups to help students learn statistics. However, I also realized that I now understand more deeply the importance and value of collaboration, both in and outside the classroom. I am proud to have been part of the collaborative team that dreamed up and created the Journal of Statistics Education (JSE). I am thrilled that after 20 years, JSE is not only an official journal of the ASA, but a well-known, widely recognized, high quality journal that supports the growing community of statistics educators. I applaud the vision of Dan Solomon who initiated the planning meeting in North Carolina, and I am grateful for the dedication and tireless efforts of JSE’s inaugural editor, Jackie Dietz, who made this journal a reality. Today, I feel like a proud parent as I admire the terrific work of my former student and current colleague, Michelle Everson, who currently serves as the editor.