期刊名称:International Journal of Advanced Research In Computer Science and Software Engineering
出版社:S.S. Mishra
摘要:the goal of surfa ce reconstruction is to find a surface from a given finite set of geometric sample values. In many applications, the sample values are points. But other types of samples, like curves occurring e.g. in tactile sampling by an adapted milling machine, or volume densities occurring for instance in X-ray based computer tomography, are also possible. Reverse engineering of geometric shapes is the process of converting a large number of measured data points into a concise and consistent computer representation. In this sense, it is the inverse of the traditional CAD/CAM procedures, which create physical objects from CAD models. Triangulating scattered point -sets is a very important problem of reverse engineering. Given a set of unorganized p oints that lie approximately on the boundary surface of a three-dimensional object, and without a priori information on the topology, our goal is to reconstruct the surface by building a triangular mesh using the given points as vertices. The resulting polyhedron can be the input of further procedures like surface fitting, or can be visualized with various textures. (For example, in computer-animated films the characters are often created as clay models first, then the 3D scanned and triangulated models are used for visualization.)
关键词:CAD; ICADM; surface reconstruction; triangulated models are used for visualization; database; query ;processing.