期刊名称:International Journal of Advanced Computer Research
出版社:Association of Computer Communication Education for National Triumph (ACCENT)
摘要:This p aper sho ws the future of cloud computi ng in India. This pap er al so help t o underst and of future of cloud computing in Indi an market .This p aper al so show the benefits of cl oud computi ng .Cloud co mputing is no t very b uzz in India. This pap er gi ve the new id ea t o understand cloud computing and cl oud co mputing future in India. This p aper al so show the impo rtance of cloud co mputing. Ito sho w t he growth rate of cloud co mputing .This pa per not onl y show t he cl oud co mputing market i t also sho w the uses and benefit s of cloud co mputing