期刊名称:International Journal of Advanced Computer Research
出版社:Association of Computer Communication Education for National Triumph (ACCENT)
摘要:Now a da y's appl icatio n of ANN techniq ues provide a powerful tool to help doct ors to analyze, co mplex cl inica l da ta across a bro ad rang e of medica l ap plica tion. Mo st applicatio ns o f artificial neura l networks t o medici ne a re classi ficat ion problems; that is, the task is on the basis of the mea sured features to assign t he p atient to o ne o f a small set of cl asses. Neural Net work s are id eal in recognizing di seases using sca ns since there is no need to provid e a speci fic a lgori thm on how to id entify the di sease. The system is trai ned by emp loying an improved BP a lgorithm fo r detecti ng the releva nt features of the clinical d ata
关键词:Artifici al Neural Network; Back propagation algorithm; ;Medical Diagnosis; Rule based expert syst ems