摘要:The purpose of this study was to test a model of relations among emotional intelligence (EI), Leader-Member Exchange (LMX), organizational justice perceptions, and work-related attitudinal outcomes. The model postulated that EI is related positively to LMX. The LMX was postulated as positive predictor of both distributive and procedural justice. Organizational justice was posited as a positive predictor of job satisfaction and organizational commitment, but a negative predictor of turnover intentions. A total of 106 participants voluntarily participated in the study. Hypothesized relationships were examined using Partial Least Squares (PLS) Structural Equation Modeling. As predicted, EI was a positive predictor of LMX. LMX was a positive predictor of both distributive and procedural justice. Distributive justice was a positive predictor of job satisfaction and a negative predictor of turnover intentions. Finally, procedural justice was a positive predictor of both job satisfaction and organizational commitment and was a negative predictor of turnover intentions