摘要:Research suggests that the perception of being pressed for time is increasing in many Western societies and that such perceptions are linked with social and mental well-being. The aim of this study was to clarify the family and work-related characteristics associated with perceived time pressure in a sample of Canadian working mothers and fathers. A telephone survey of 1160 employed parents (674 women and 486 men) conducted in a mid-size Canadian city in 2005 provided the data for this study. Results of the multiple linear regression analyses showed that both role occupancy and role quality was related to perceived time pressure and that the nature of these relationships depended on gender. For mothers, the following factors were associated with increased time pressure: occupancy of an unpaid caregiving role, parenting a child with at least one health/behavioral problem, and the perception of parenting as draining or anxiety provoking. Regarding the paid work environment, women who were categorized as high strain (i.e., high demands/low control) or active (high demands/high control) also reported higher levels of time pressure. For fathers, greater perceived time pressure was associated with: occupancy of the partner role, the perception of parenting as draining, being a multiple job holder and having a high strain (i.e., high demands/low control) or active (high demands/high control) psychosocial work environment. Limitations of the study are discussed as are the policy implications of the findings.