期刊名称:International Journal of Education and Development using Information and Communication Technology
出版社:University of the West Indies
摘要:This paper proposes an innovative idea for providing affordable, sustainable, and meaningful education for students in Least Developed Countries (LDCs). The authorsshow how a Digital Learning Environment (DLE)can play a central role in community development. The authors develop and validate an approach for introduction of an ICT education program for Higher Order Cognitive Skills(HOCS)improvement, building capacity and infrastructure in a LDCusing the DLE tool. The proposed "Learning by construction" approach, as a mechanism for the effective integration of IC T in the educational process following Bloom's Taxonomy as a general framework for learning using the DLEis described. It combines sound educational approaches such as cognitive apprenticeship and situated learning with industrial design models to create an interdisciplinary solution that potentially results in job creators, not job seekers. Since there aremany infrastructure-deprived educational institutions, financially struggling students, especially in LDCs, the proposed approach is aviable way to provide systematic training in HOCS and Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes for these students. The authorsdiscuss how education itself also plays a role in the introduction of DLE. Theoverall learning system has not yet been extensively validated by data since there is no learning environment working accordingly. Thevalidity of this approach and its soundnessis discussedby describing an introduction plan