期刊名称:Russian Journal of Agricultural and Socio-Economic Sciences
出版社:Russian Journal of Agricultural and Socio-Economic Sciences
摘要:The study examined the determinants of adaptation to deforestation among farmers in Madagali Local Government Area of Adamawa state, Nigeria. Structured interview schedule were used to obtain information from 200 respondents selected through simple random sampling techniques. The data collected were analyzed using descriptive (frequencies and percentages) and inferential (chi-square test) statistics. The result indicated that majority (84%) of the respondents were male with 21-40 years of age representing 58.50%. The study also showed that most (45%) of the respondents had attained post primary education with majority (80%) having 6 and above years of farming experience. The respondents perceived fuel wood extraction as the major (42%) cause of deforestation in the study area. The result showed that the most (30.50%) frequently employed adaptation strategy against deforestation was reducing quantity of fire wood consumption. The study further showed that the factors which significantly influenced adaptation to deforestation among the respondents were age, farming experience and educational status with X2=9.216, 8.697 and 11.238 at P<0.05 respectively. While those factors which did not influence adaptation to deforestation among the respondents were gender, access to agricultural credit and access to extension services with X2=1.286, 7.923 and 5.862 at P<0.05 respectively. The major constraints faced by respondents in adaptation to deforestation were lack of capital and lack of accessible alternative energy. The study recommends that awareness campaign should be mounted to increase the level of knowledge of respondents on the significance of adaptation to deforestation. Respondents should also be encouraged towards establishment of adaptation cooperative societies in order to take advantage of some government policies and programmes.
关键词:Adaptation; Deforestation; Determinants; Farmers; Nigeria.