期刊名称:International Journal of Advanced Research In Computer Science and Software Engineering
出版社:S.S. Mishra
摘要:An enhancement to the FDM system, as MB-OFDM, has been propo sed to reduce the complexi ty and po wer co nsumptio n without sacrificing performance. In this pap er, we p resented the d etai led FPGA implementa tion of a co mplete-OFDM transmitter. The ent ire transmitter can be map ped o nto a single FPGA chi p. M ulti -Ba nd Ortho gona l Frequency Division Multipl exing (MB-OF DM) is a suita ble solut ion to i mplementatio n of hig h sp eed dat a tra nsmissio n in ultra wi deba nd spect rum by d ividi ng t he sp ectrum a vail able into mul tiple bands. The b aseb and of tra nsmitter is o ne o f the most imp o rtant part s in MB-OFDM system. The structure of MB-OFDM system transmitter is intro duced in this pap er and the design of transmitter baseband ba sed o n FPGA is d escri bed in detail. The desi gn ha s been va lida ted with Xilinx Vertex FPGA. The result s sho w that all modules d esigned has a chieved t he expected purpose bo th in precisio n and resource, with simpl icity and high efficiency a nd ca n meet t he d emand of MB-OFDM systems. The ba seba nd o f tra nsmitter is one of the most imp orta nt pa rts i n MB -OFDM system. The str ucture of MB-OFDM system t rans mitt er is intro duced in this and the desi gn o f transmi tter baseband ba sed on FPGA is d escribed in det ail. Multi-Band Orthogo nal Frequency Divi sion Multiplexing (MB-OFDM ) i s a suit able sol ution to implementa tion of high speed d ata transmission in ul tra wideb and spectrum by divid ing the spect rum avai lable into multip le ba nds. The design has b een valid ated wit h Xil inx Virtex or Altera FPGA. The res ults show tha t all mod ules designed has achieved the ex pected p urpo se bo th i n pre cisio n and resource, with simp licity and hig h efficiency and ca n meet the demand of MB -OF DM syst ems
关键词:FPGA; High data rate; MB-OFDM; Wireless netwo rk