期刊名称:International Journal of Advanced Research In Computer Science and Software Engineering
出版社:S.S. Mishra
摘要:This man uscript proposes the i mple men tation of Modified Maximu m Urgen cy First (MMUF) algorith m in case of mu ltiproces sors and use s EDZL (earliest deadline until z ero laxity) algorithm as dynamic priority. Urgency bas ed s cheduling is an effective me thod of s cheduling the re sources which combine s the advan tages of both fixe d an d dynamic schedu ling for i mproved pe rformance of the CPU. In case of uniprocessor schedu ling we have vari ous algorithms wh ich e xpl oit variou s dimensi ons of u rgen cy based s cheduling like maximu m urgency first sche duli ng, modi fied maximum urgency firs t scheduling e tc. In modified maximum urgency firs t (MMUF) schedu ling algorithm, e arlies t deadline firs t (EDF) poli cy is used as the dynamic priori ty. O ver years EDF h as evolved as an efficien t and reli able dynamic s cheduling poli cy for u niprocess ors i n real time sys tems but the s ame can't be s tated true for sch eduli ng of multiproces sors. On the contrary, it is observe d th at EDF i s not optimal for multi processor sche duli ng. Hence, to re solve this , in th e propose d algorithm EDZL has bee n use d as the dyn amic priority to schedule tasks for multiproce ssors usin g MMUF.
关键词:EDF; ED ZL; mul tiprocessor scheduling; MMUF; real time syste m; ZL policy