期刊名称:International Journal of Advanced Research In Computer Science and Software Engineering
出版社:S.S. Mishra
摘要:Intrusion det ectio n is an essential component o f the layered computer securit y mecha nisms. It req uires accura te and efficient mo del s fo r analyzi ng a larg e amount of system and net work aud it da ta . Intrusion detection does no t, in general , include preventi on o f intrusi ons. In t his paper, we focused on dat a mi ning techniques to buil d intrusi on d etect ion models. We d escribe a framewo rk fo r mining pat terns fro m system and net work aud it da ta, a nd co nstructing fea tures accord ing t o analysi s of intrusion patt erns. We discuss a ppro aches fo r improving t he ru n -time efficiency as well a s the credibi lity of detecti on models. We p ropo sed a da ta mini ng a ppro ach that we feel can co ntrib ute signi ficantly i n the attempt to create better and mo re effecti ve Intrusion Detection Systems
关键词:Dat a mining ; Int rusi on detect ion; Intrusion preventi on; Network security; IDS