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  • 标题:Knowledge Management: through the Classification of Unit Testing Techniques
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  • 作者:M.Sravani ; S.Munwar
  • 期刊名称:International Journal of Advanced Research In Computer Science and Software Engineering
  • 印刷版ISSN:2277-6451
  • 电子版ISSN:2277-128X
  • 出版年度:2012
  • 卷号:2
  • 期号:4
  • 出版社:S.S. Mishra
  • 摘要:Now a day'sKnowledge classifi cation an alyze the classi fication make s a si gnificant contributi on to advancin g kn owle dge i n both s cience and engineering. It is a way of i nves tigati ng the relation ships between the objects to be class ified and identifies gaps in k nowle dge. Classi ficati on in engineering also h as a practical appli cation; it supports object sele ction . Classi ficati ons h ave advanced knowledge in three ways as the following .By providi ng a set of uni fying cons tructs. .By un ders tanding in terrelationshi ps .By identifying k nowledge gaps. They can h elp matu re S oftware e ngine ering knowledge, as classification s con stitu te an organize d structu re of knowledge ite ms. Till date, th ere have bee n few atte mpts at classi fying in S oftware Engin eerin g. In this rese arch , we examine h ow u seful classifications in S oftware Engin eerin g are for advancing knowledge by trying to clas sify testin g techniques. The paper pre sents a prelimi nary clas sifi cation of a set of u nit te sting tech niqu es. To obtain this cl assification, we enacted a gen eric process for de veloping u seful S oftware Engineeri n g classification s. The proposed classificati on has bee n proven useful for maturin g knowledge about testin g te chniques, and there fore, S E, as it helps to: 1) Pro vide a sys tematic descri ption of th e techniques, 2) Understand testin g techniques by stu dyin g the relations hips amon g techniques (measured in te rms of differen ces and simil aritie s), 3) Ide ntify pote ntially useful technique s that do n ot ye t exist by anal yzing gaps in the cl assifi cation, an d 4) Support practitioners in tes ting technique selection by match ing te chni que characteristics to project characte risti cs.
  • 关键词:Classificati on; S oftware engin eerin g; S oftware testing; tes t desi gn te chni ques; unit testi ng te chniques