期刊名称:International Journal of Advanced Research In Computer Science and Software Engineering
出版社:S.S. Mishra
摘要:The requi rement of secu re t ransmission of data is important in our li fe. The transmission sh ould be more secu re wh en chann el/network is too n oisy/fraudulen t. Image trans mission i s one of the appli cation that mu st be securely tran smitted ove r the fraudu lence network. Secu re t ransmission of image is requi red in various fields like medical/telemedicin e, military etc. In t his paper, we in troduce a new sch eme for s ecur e transmi ssion of medical image over the fraudulence network. Our approach is a combi nation of cryptograph y, and compre ssion with removal of transmission errors. C ryptography provides secu re tran smission, Compression i nc reas es th e capacity of t ransmission ch annel and Fuz zy is used for er ror which gets duri n g transmi ssion of image