期刊名称:International Journal of Advanced Research In Computer Science and Software Engineering
出版社:S.S. Mishra
摘要:This pa per prop oses the impl ementati on of a very si mple but efficient fuzzy log ic b ased algo rithm to detect the edges of a n image without d etermini ng the threshold value. The pro posed ap proa ch b egins by scanning the ima ges using fl oati ng 3x 3 pi xel windo w. Fuzzy inference system designed ha s 8 i nput s, which corresp onds to 8 pix els o f instanta neo us sca nning ma trix, one outp ut that tells whether the pi xel under consideratio n is "bla ck", "white" o r "edge" pixel. Rule b ase comp rises of sixteen rules, which cla ssify the targ et p ixel. The prop osed met hod results for different capt ured ima ges are comp ared to those obtai ned with the l inea r Sob el o pera tor
关键词:Edge d etection; Fuzzy lo gic; Fuzzy inference sy stem