期刊名称:International Journal of Advanced Research In Computer Science and Software Engineering
出版社:S.S. Mishra
摘要:Ad-hoc network s ha ve op ened a new d imen si on i n wireless net work s. It allo ws wireless no des to co mmunicate in a bsence o f central ized supp ort. It d oes not a lways fol low any fixed infrastructure d ue t o hi gh mobil ity o f no des and multip ath propagations. Routing pro tocol s of mob ile ad -hoc net work s differ from the existing internet proto cols whi ch a re d esigned for the fi xed structure based wireless netwo rks .The mai n cla sses of MANET rout ing p roto cols are Proa ctive, React ive a nd Hybrid. In thi s pap er we co mpa re performance o f Hybrid ro ut ing p roto col b y focusing on Gat hering-b ased Routi ng Proto col (GRP) and Reactive Ro uting Proto col by fo cusi ng o n Temp orall y-Ordered Routing Algori thm (TORA) we use the OPNET to estab lish the simulatio n mo dels of GRP a nd T ORA protoco ls in MA NET. These prot ocols are comp ared o n the basis of their throughput, dela y, and network loa d by increasing number of nodes in the netwo rk