期刊名称:International Journal of Advanced Research In Computer Science and Software Engineering
出版社:S.S. Mishra
摘要:It was noticed that, most software systems are not new but are variants of systems that had been already developed. Hence, a new systems may be developed partially if not completely, from the pre-existing systems by reusing it. This brings the idea of reusability and gave the birth of a noble concept of Component Based Software Development, beyond object oriented develop ment paradigm. Component Based Software Development aims to construct complex software systems by means of integrating reusable software components. This approach promises to alleviate the software crisis at great extents. The objective of this paper is to gain attention towards this new component based software development paradigm and to highlight the benefits and impact of the approach for making it a successful software development approach to the concerned community and industry.
关键词:Software Engineering; Software Components; Component Based Software Engineering; Component Interface ;Abbreviations-- SE-Software Engineering; CBSE-Component Based Software Engineering; CBSD- Component Based Software ;Development.