期刊名称:International Journal of Advanced Research In Computer Science and Software Engineering
出版社:S.S. Mishra
摘要:Multithreading is an important technique for computer-based systems. But one of the main issues in the use of multithreading is the cost of context switching. In real time operating systems preemption is one of the m ain causes of the number of context switches, the overhead caused during the run time and large number of memory requirements. This paper mainly focuses on reducing the number of context switches which directly reduces the pitfalls associated with namely issues like less system responsiveness and low system throughput. The techniques that are highlighted in the paper for reducing the preemptions (which in turn reduces the number of context switches associated with it) are some of the algorithms stated by making use of Round Robin priority based Scheduling and Shortest Job First priority based Scheduling. Apart from the renowned and popular algorithms, Limiting Value Preemption (LVP) algorithm is also used in the scenario of real time operating system. These techniques proved to be an improvement over the existing Round Robin priority based scheduling. The results reveal reduction in context switches by considerable percentage and increases system responsiveness.
关键词:Context Switches; Preemptions; Limiting value preemption; System responsiveness