摘要:Honour killingis an age old social evil that has become a wide-spread phenomenon that got attention of public, media, and various agencies over the world in last two decades. Honour killing is a practice that has also put certain women “at personal risk from Patriarchal, cultural and religious belief systems of 'honour and shame'”.1 The term honour killing is defined as the “premeditated murder of women by one or more male members of the immediate or extended family”. The driving force behind honour killings is family honour; effectively, in certain cultures, violence committed against a woman is justified on the condition that the woman has brought dishonour to her family. These killings are qualitatively different from other kinds of murders. In a strong patriarchal society the word honour is not measured with the worthiness of a man, but rather the honour lies in the women under the control of a man. Such a moral code defines honour in terms of women's assigned sexual and familial roles as dictated by traditional family ideologies.