摘要:The present examination system in our country is incapable of assessing the true potential of the students. The aim of higher education should be to promote the learners towards enhancing their critical thinking capacities. Some issues are seeking our immediate attention like; students' suicidal tendency due to the mounting pressure of examination, present system of examination in which the process from setting papers to conducting examinations is also time consuming one. Question papers lack heavily to examine the differences among students. In any class of higher education, we find a range of differences among students due to their different socio-cultural background. Subject expert teachers' dearth is another concern which damages the examination reliability. To overcome all these concerns, we need to collectively work for the betterment of all the stakeholders working at higher education institutions. This paper is focused to highlight the issues and to suggest the remedies to overcome the faults lied in our examination system. Moreover, an attempt has been made through this paper to sensitize all the stake holders working at higher education institutions to contribute to the betterment of the students.