摘要:Managers can do many things to improve organizational performance, but the accomplishments of the most skillful employees often are most important. This article makes the point that managers should be aware of employee expertise and the relationship of employee performance to organizational culture. This research study assesses empirically the impact of organisational culture on employee job performance as well as organisational productivity of RRBs'. We try to ascertain the impact of organizational culture on employee job performance, and to formulate recommendations regarding organisational culture and employee job performance. To achieve these objectives, the following research questions were asked: Does corporate culture have any effect on employee job performance? And How employee performance can be affected by organizational culture? The study uses survey research method. The findings of this study are that a large number of respondents (57.7%) strongly agree that organisational culture has effect on employee job performance, and that 48.7% of the employees also agree that organisational culture determines the productivity level of the organization. These findings made us to accept our two alternative hypotheses and reject the null hypotheses because in both cases the calculated values of chi-square are greater than the tabulated values.