期刊名称:International Journal of Management and Business Studies
出版社:Cosmic Journals
摘要:Banking industry is facing challenges due to intense competition, changing market, risk and uncertainty, environment, and demanding customers. Customer service is one of the core parts of the banking industry. There is a need to identify the attributes of the service quality perceived by the customers of banks. This paper examines the effectiveness of the SERVQUAL’s five dimensions in the banking sector and measures service quality perceived by the customers. The SERVQUAL scale is administered to measure the customer’s perception on service quality. A survey was conducted among the customers of private banks. A convenience sample of 111 respondents was taken for data collection. For analysis mean, standard deviation, item to total correlation, correlation matrix and reliability were calculated. The findings revealed that dimensions ‘Tangibles’ and ‘Assurance’ were the dimensions perceived high by the customers while the dimension ‘reliability’ is perceived low compared to other dimensions. Correlation matrix revealed that the high correlation exists between ‘understanding the specific needs of customers’ and ‘staff giving customers’ best interest at heart’ which means these two factors are important for the customers in perceiving the service quality provided by the private banks.
关键词:Perceived Service Quality; SERVQUAL; Private Banks;Customer