期刊名称:Indian Journal of Computer Science and Engineering
出版社:Engg Journals Publications
摘要:As the density and operating speed of CMOS VLSI chips increases, leakage power dissipation becomes more and more significant. Therefore it is necessary to reduce the leakage power of portable battery operated devices. This paper proposes three power reduction techniques such as transistor stacking, self-adjustable voltage level circuit and reverse body bias for use in sequential circuits like D flip-flops and shift register. This work analyses the power of three different implementations of D flip-flops using pass transistors, transmission gates and gate diffusion input gates. All the designs are simulated with and without the application of leakage reduction techniques and the readings are presented. Also two bit, four bit and eight bit shift registers are simulated with stack and reverse body bias leakage reduction techniques. The circuits are simulated with MOSFET models of level 54 using HSPICE in 65 nm process technology with a supply voltage of 1 volt. Simulation results show that the proposed pass transistor based D flip-flop circuit has the least leakage power dissipation. In the case of shift registers the combined stack and reverse body bias method gives minimum leakage power of 19.51nW, 32.16nW and 98.34nW for two bit, four bit and eight bit shift registers respectively.
关键词:Leakage power; pass transistors; process technology; stacking effect; transmission gates.