摘要:We calculate the first six nonnormalized moments of particle multiplicity within the framework of
the hadron resonance gas model. In terms of the lower order moments and corresponding
correlation functions, general expressions of higher order moments are derived. Thermal
evolution of the first four normalized moments and their products (ratios) are studied at different
chemical potentials, so that it is possible to evaluate them at chemical freeze-out curve. It is
found that a nonmonotonic behaviour reflecting the dynamical fluctuation and strong
correlation of particles starts to appear from the normalized third order moment. We introduce
novel conditions for describing the chemical freeze-out curve. Although the hadron resonance
gas model does not contain any information on the criticality related to the chiral dynamics and
singularity in the physical observables, we are able to find out the location of the QCD critical
endpoint at  MeV and temperature  MeV.