This study made a broad examination of the effect of information communication technology in Nigeria with special emphasis on Enugu State. The study was descriptive in nature and therefore survey research method was adopted. Data were collected through personal interview, questionnaire and focus group discussion. Data collected were presented in frequency tables and hypotheses formulated were tested using chi-square (X2} and correlation coefficient statistical measures. Several findings were made. Essentially the study revealed that electronic commerce (e-commerce) concept represents a relevant substance to marketing in Nigeria. Product marketers appreciate internet marketing. There is no form of scepticism and unworthy acts to future challenges of internet marketing. Based on the findings the major recommendations include: That greater awareness of the benefits of online access to information, goods and services should be actively pursued throughout Nigeria especially for all those involved in marketing. To turn the ‘digital dividend’ to increase technology and computer skills among young people so as to build from an early age, an internet culture from web-enabled business, fertilize the public imagination and watch the buds of innovations blossom so that healthy fruits of products and services can be ripen to enrich the lives of citizens.