摘要:This paper is based on the analysis of research papers for a new line clipping algorithm for 3D space against a cuboid which is not generated based on Cohen- Sutherland or Liang-Barsky line clipping algorithms. The proposed algorithm is based on a newly proposed simple theory developed using basic mathematical concepts. All most all the 3D line clipping algorithms involve three steps to check whether a line segment lies completely inside the clipping volume or lies completely outside the clipping volume or intersection calculations when it is not completely inside or outside. The proposed algorithm does not follow these steps. The algorithm was tested for a large number of random line segments and the results showed that the new 3D space line clipping algorithm performs better than the Cohen-Sutherland 3D line clipping algorithm in terms of time and space.
关键词:computer graphics;algorithm;cad;line clipping;2d geometry;3 d space