摘要:The potential fishing zone (PFZ) advisories received from Indian National Center for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS), Hyderabad during November, 2003 to February, 2005 were validated along Ganjam coast. Feedback was collected for both the PFZ and Non-PFZ locations in the prescribed format of INCOIS. The feedback contains the date of fish catch, time of hauling, latitude, longitude, name of the ship or boat, type of net used, depth of catch, distance away from the coast, direction, catch in kg, major catch in kg and major variety. The catch per unit effort (CPUE) was computed by dividing total fish catch by number of hours of actual fishing per haul. The CPUE data were then compared for both PFZ and NON-PFZ area. The results revealed that the CPUE was more in boats operated in PFZ areas than non-PFZ areas in all the sectors of Ganjam coast. In Rushikulya base, the CPUE was more in February 2005 followed by December 2004 indicating. At Gopalpur and Sonepur sector, CPUE was maximum during January 2005 indicating. The average catch per unit vessel in PFZ areas showed similar trend in all the stations with maximum at Gopalpur. The search time analysis for boats operated in notified and non-notified areas revealed that the search time was less where the PFZ advisories were utilized. The study confirms that satellite based PFZ advisories helps significantly in reduction of search time, fuel cost and yields better catch.