摘要:The pregnant women constitute the most vulnerable segment of a population from the nutritional standpoint; in particular the conditions of pregnant women belonging to low income group is a matter of serious concern. Proper nutrition during pregnancy is critically important for both the mother and foetus. The study was conducted to determine and compare the nutritional status of pregnant women belonging to the low income group in rural and urban areas of Bangalore and to find out whether the nutritional knowledge of the pregnant woman has any influence on her nutrient intake. Total of 100 pregnant women were selected, among these 50 were from urban area of Bangalore and 50 were from rural area of Kankapur and Kengeri. Random sampling technique was used to gather the information. A survey cum interview method was used to obtain the relevant information. The result reveals that the nutrient intake of both the groups fell short of the RDA. It was also found that there was a significant difference in nutrient intake and hemoglobin levels. Assessment for clinical deficiency signs revealed that the nutritional status of the urban group was better when compared to the rural group. Nutritional awareness was found to be significantly more in the urban pregnant women, when compared to rural pregnant women and it was associated with increased nutrient intake in both the groups of pregnant women.