摘要:Evaluation of the susceptibility to landslides in the Codri Plateau using the method of frequency and rate and SIG techniques. Landslides in the Republic of Moldova are spread practically everywhere. But the main regions in which these processes are more frequently, are hills and plateaus areas, firstly the Plateau of the Central Region of the Republic of Moldova, known as the Codri Plateau or the Bâc Plateau. Landslides cause annual losses of multiple materials, destroying houses, transport routes, industrial targets, farmlands etc.. Between 1970-2010 in the Republic of Moldova the rate of the increase of the active landslide surface was 1.000 ha/year in that period the Bâc Plateau was characterized- with a maximum landslides frequency of 40-50 land./100 km2. The aim of this work is to draw the map of the susceptibility to landslides of the Bâc Plateau, using the frequency rate method and SIG techniques
关键词:The Republic of Moldova; The Codri Plateau; the frequency rate; susceptibility to landslides; statistical analysis; ArcGIS.