标题:Investigations on the Effect of Various Parameters on the Offline Browsing Efficiency of a Web Archiving System Using Breadth First Search Algorithm
期刊名称:International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies
出版社:TechScience Publications
摘要:In this paper, the effect of various parameters on the offline browsing efficiency of a web archiving system using breadth first search Algorithm is investigated. A web crawler based multithreaded web archiving system is designed using breadth first search algorithm and the offline browsing efficiency of the web archiving system is estimated in the presence of the parameters like the searching algorithm, browsing tool , speed of the Internet connectivity and the processing system configuration.
关键词:In this paper; the effect of various parameters on;the offline browsing efficiency of a web archiving system using;breadth first search Algorithm is investigated. A web crawler;based multithreaded web archiving system is designed using;breadth first search algorithm and the offline browsing;efficiency of the web archiving system is estimated in the;presence of the parameters like the searching algorithm;browsing tool ; speed of the Internet connectivity and the;processing system configuration.