期刊名称:International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies
出版社:TechScience Publications
摘要:Cloud computing is a model of information technology, which does not require big investments in powerful hardware and software. To access applications and services over the network you need only Internet access. One of the main business reasons for decisions on accessing to the alternative model of IT technology is certainly the fact that traditional approaches in terms of business users have not been successful because of the undue’s TCO (Total Cost of Ownership) and too low ROI (Return on Investment) for individual IT services. Cloud Computing offers several advantages, from general to employees cost reduction. The costs are calculated according to the principle of pay as much as at some point need, providing upgrades to the provider is included in the price of services. Cloud services enable IT personnel involvement in more strategic projects, but also reduce the risks of unpredictable interruptions. The concept of cloud computing has spread rapidly through the information technology industry. The ability of organizations to tap into computer applications and other software via the cloud and thus free themselves from building and managing their own technology infrastructure seems potentially irresistible. Cloud computing is seen by many as the next wave of information technology for individuals, companies and governments. In addition to reducing operational costs, cloud technologies have become the basis for radical business innovation and new business models and for significant improvements in the effectiveness of anyone using information technology – which, these days, increasingly means most of the worldlts